About us

globeAAT was established by the tax, accounting and legal professionals each of them having more than 10 years experience with Big Four* audit companies. Our mission is to bring international experience to the Latvian and foreign clients following a tax services boutique** approach, which means that:

  • Each client has a personalized approach
  • All the work is performed by a professional with relevant experience
  • Service fees are reasonable and are agreed for each project in advance

Our areas of specialization are based on the three pillars: tax, transfer pricing and accounting.


Our tax services include day-to-day consulting services of the Latvian taxes, as well as, international taxes required for carrying out cross-border transactions and structuring the foreign investments in Latvia or planning the Latvian investments abroad. Typical Latvian tax services include:

  • Assessing tax implications on executed and contemplated transactions
  • Tax reviews, similarly as it is carried out by the tax authorities to verify the compliance with the tax laws
  • Obtaining written clarifications or advance rulings from the tax authorities in unclear issues
  • Support during tax audits carried out by the tax authorities and seeking tax saving opportunities, which are in line with the Latvian tax laws

Transfer pricing

Transfer pricing services include a range of services starting from providing advice on preparing a full scope documentation, including comparability studies, using Amadeus database. Our specialists have also significant experience in training the clients’ personnel and giving presentations related to the transfer pricing matters.

Accounting and tax compliance

The accounting services are designed to serve both local companies and foreign investments in Latvia. Our specialists have ultimate experience in providing the tax compliance services to the subsidiaries, branches and permanent establishments of the foreign investors and expatriate individuals working in Latvia.

* Big Four – 4 largest international accounting firms (Deloitte, PwC, Enst&Young, KPMG)
** Boutique – from French language special/individual